typus intensively supports employers when it comes to time-consuming and annoying work that always occurs in connection with hiring new staff from abroad. We complement classic personnel placement services with important integration services before and after the start of the new relationship.
The preselection
During the preselection, we identify not only the professional strength of the candidates but also the cultural challenges for them. We prepare the candidates for the differences so that they can deal with it in the new environment. We want to avoid surprises for the potential partners. We dedicate significantly more time to soft facts than traditional recruitment provides. We bring people together and try to achieve satisfaction on both sides by our intensive pre-selection service.
The will to learn German language
The interviews always start with a focus on the candidates willingness to learn the German language. We keep the focus throughout the entire recruiting process. We believe that people working in Germany should learn German language. This is the only way to communicate without misunderstanding at the workplace. We expect our candidates to give an honest promise to develop their German language skills to a level suitable for everyday use.
Craft / industry
The lack of skilled workers in industry and in many craft jobs leads to threatening bottlenecks in German companies. We look for suitable skilled workers for you and find suitable accommodation for them.
Nursing professions
The staff in health care and especially in nursing is chronically overloaded. The aging of society in Germany leads to an increasing demand for qualified nursing staff - our drive is to close this gap.
“Just in time” means that the street has become a warehouse. The German logistics companies have to react more and more flexible and the existing staff is reaching its limits. The recruiting of colleagues from target regions is an advantage, especially because of the cross-border traffic.
Information about demographic change and lack of skilled employees
By 2025, the number of school graduates will decrease by around 22 percent compared to today. At the same time, the trend towards higher school qualification continues. The proportion of high school graduates among al school graduates will increase, while the secondary school continues to lose ground - this further accelerate the shortage of skilled workers in craft, industry, care professions and logistics. Further important information can be found in the graphics below.
Percentual increase of over 67-year-old people in comparison with all employed persons between 20-67 till 2034
less economically active persons by 2060 (up to 16 million people) if Germany would not allow immigration
of 801 professions are currently confronted with a lack of skilled workers
Percent of companies already see the lack of skilled workers as a risk.
Source: www.bmwi.de